Life as a Bible School Student

I'm one of of your regular college students...I like my sleep in days; I sometimes procrastinate on my assignments; I love to hang out with friends and play sports on my time off. However my college is different than what you might expect. I'm not studying for medical school and I'm not learning a trade...I'm studying the Bible. Me and my fellow students are investing our time and resources into learning just one book that is hundreds of years old...this is the life I lead...this is the life of a College Student at NBBI

Thursday 11 October 2012

The Cost of Choosing to Stand

We just started into a new class today called Youth Ministry. Mr. Gary Stairs is our teacher for the course and we have it for a little more than a week (three class a day (50 min. each)). The majority of the classes today were focusing on some of the issues and trends that youth and society are facing today. Just looking at the effect of Media, the permissive culture, and the belief that there are no absolutes really reminded me where our culture is headed. The issue of tolerance, which no longer truly means the same thing that it used to mean, is developing and it is not a far stretch to conclude that in the next few years those who hold to Biblical values will begin to face opposition and even an amount of persecution.

 Tolerance used to mean that I do not agree with you but I will respect you while now it means if we do not agree with someone as well as hold their values and morals as equal to our values and morals we are intolerant and a bigot. In our Canadian culture this is beginning to be more and more of a pressing issue. As Christians we will continue to be faced more and more with a choice to make. Do we continue to grow more reserved and less outspoken for our faith in order to fit in and not be labelled as intolerant or will we be willing to bear some small amount of persecution in order to obey our Biblical mandate.

As we look to the coming years as Christians are we willing to take a stand beside our Christian brothers and sisters who suffer much for their faith...perhaps what the church in Canada and America needs is the kind of awakening and reality that persecution and trial can bring. In my reading this morning I read these verses

"Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. (1 Peter 4:1-2) "

In many ways I could wish that I would not have to face exclusion and the possibility of persecution in my life. I'm still human; I want to fit in and be accepted as much as we all do. I shrink from the idea and possibility of conflict but my faith in God and my belief in His word calls me to stand for the absolute truth that I believe in.

A final thought being this...Jesus suffered more than I will ever face...many of my Christian brothers and sisters suffered more than I will ever is my desire to carry on this torch and to have the privilege to suffer for the name of Christ. However, the example to follow is Christ...the one who loved those who persecuted them...Can I love those who strike out at me with their words or actions...if I am marked out as bigoted and intolerant will I still show those people love? In all things this is my confidence; I am inadequate for the task, but Christ is absolutely sufficient.

The name of Christ is one that is completely worthy to live for, to suffer for, and if needed to die for.

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