Life as a Bible School Student

I'm one of of your regular college students...I like my sleep in days; I sometimes procrastinate on my assignments; I love to hang out with friends and play sports on my time off. However my college is different than what you might expect. I'm not studying for medical school and I'm not learning a trade...I'm studying the Bible. Me and my fellow students are investing our time and resources into learning just one book that is hundreds of years old...this is the life I lead...this is the life of a College Student at NBBI

Monday 30 January 2012

Teachers at NBBI

Here at NBBI we have some of the greatest teachers you could ask for. They have great personalities, are open to questions and make themselves very availiable. Best of all they all have a lovefor the Lord and it shows in the way they teach and live their lives. I'm sure many former students all have their favourite memories of the teachers here. Every teacher is different in their teaching style, humour, and habits but all are well worth listening to. Being here under the teaching of these men has been a great influence to me and seeing them live their lives fully for Christ drives me on to do the same. I would consider it a great honour to one day be able to impact and influence others as they have impacted and influenced me. The Christian life is not lived in fact part of the core message in the gospel is that as man plagued by sin we have failed to meet God's standards. What makes the teachers here great men of God is their humility and dependence on God for their strength. As Christians our greatest strength comes when we are the most dependent. As Paul stated, "When I am weak, then I am strong."

Saturday 28 January 2012

Why Am I Here Anyways

I had one of those stop and think moments today. The kind where a thought just hits you and stops you dead in your tracks. I've talked a little about what life is like here at the campus of NBBI...a little about things I've learned, in and out of classes. But there's nothing like learning things from my favourite teacher. He's been the biggest influencer in my life...taught me more than any other person that I know...His teaching is some of the best you'll ever hear. He's my God. He the first one I speak to every morning and He teaches me all throughout my day. Like I said I had one of those moments today. Have you ever just stopped and asked yourself..."Why Am I Really Here". Think about what you would be doing if you had never come into wouldn't have thoughts, feelings, care's, wouldn't even exist. When I think that my God specially decided to give me the opportunity to live life, to feel happiness and joy, to trust Him and talk wih boggles my mind. Why do I life my life for myself when my life is not really mine to keep? It was this thought that stopped me in my tracks today and caused meto refocus...What about you? Do you know why your hear on this earth? Have you considered the God who made you today? It's a humbling thought...but there's no other life like it.

Friday 27 January 2012

Plans for the Future

I have been thinking a lot lately about what I plan to do in the next couple of years. It's the age old question that everyone asks the college student...what are you going to do with life?  So many times we can plan out our goals and things we want to do but the hard question for the Christian and for me is what does God want us to do. I've spent my own fair share of time asking God where He wants me and seeking to understand the will of God for my life. In chapel today we heard a message from Gary Stairs. He spoke from 1 Samuel, when God chose David to be the next King of Israel. What he focused on however was God's instruction to Samuel and revealing to Him what He wanted Samuel to do. I think as we look at scripture and at the way God has worked in the past we can recieve and answer for the Question, "What is God's will." God asks us to start living for Him. Whether we are planning to be involved in ministry or to be a witness in the workplace God, He asks us to live for Him right where we are. So what must I do...I live for God right here on campus...I surrender daily to what He has for me. I may have plans for the future but if God closes a door then my plans can change...the most important thing is living for Him right now.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Schedule for a College Student at NBBI (My Afternoons)

Well Once classes are done for the day it's time for lunch...I'm pretty sure there a noticable sigh of satisfaction when the students hear that bell for lunch...what with professors making the odd mention of food and that amazing smeel wafting down into the classroom everybody's ready to eat. And the food here is amazing as well! Once everybody's stuffed we all head our seperate ways for the afternoon. We don't have anything scheduled until supper, unless there's a special event so people spend their time working, reading, playing, going laundry...that kind of stuff. Then we all meet again for supper. After supper is fondly known as sports time here at NBBI. Wether it's hockey, soccer, volleyball, or basketball a lot  of students head to the gym to either play or watch the game. This time on campus is often just real life...people have work to do, we have fun, we talk, we laugh, and we work through know the kind of stuff that happenes when you live on a campus. Here I have the opportunity to take what I just learned in my devotions and classes and apply it to my daily life. Whether it's serving others, being diligent in my work, or encouraging my classmates there are always lot's of opportunities to either give myself for others, or live life my own way. I find my time and life don't really count for much or bring happiness unless it's spent for seems to be the best way to live.

Chapel Message Today (How does God fit into our Trials)

In Chapel today (takes place right after our first two class periods) Micah Hiltz shared on Tials in our life. It was a great reminder that God allows trials to come into our lives for a purpose. God uses trials to increase our dependence on Him, and to change and mold us into the image of Christ. It is a great encouragement that through some of the worst times in my life the greatest work is done. We also have the promise that God does not abandon us to face trials alone. God is Eternal, near to the brokenhearted, always loving, always just, and always near. I can have peace and joy in any circumstance because my God never leaves and never changes!!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Schedule for a College Student at NBBI (My Mornings part 2)

Once I get back to the dorm at breakfast the day really begins to pick up speed...guys are waking up (we have an optional breakfast so some choose sleep) showering, and changing into class dress (Shirts with a collar and dress pants) Then for 8:00 we all head down to classes! Classes here at NBBI can be one of the most enjoyable parts of my day or some of the worst. But to be clear that's not because the classes are bad; rather my attitude about classes can often be off. Classes at NBBI differ greatly from those at other colleges; we have courses that study specific books of the Bible and others that teach us about God and His characteristics and attributes. Some classes help us to learn more about living life as Christians and others instrucct us about church life and the responsibilities we have as Christians. All of these classes have one book that guides them all and is the ultimate authority...the Bible. Perhaps the hardest thing as a college student is having the right attitude about classes.  As a student I have to discipline myself to focus in my classes and be thankful for the opportunity I have learn in them. When my attitude is right then I can learn so much more. This is why I find it so helpful to start my day in prayer and Bible helps me to have the reight perspective in class.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Schedule for a College Student at NBBI (My Mornings)

So here's a bit of what life looks like at NBBI...for me at least. Morning comes early for me at 5:00-5:30 in the morning...students are required to be up for 7:00 but I find I need the extra time. No, I don't take hour long showers but around 6:00 or a little earlier I head down the hill from the boys dorm to start my devotions for the day? You might ask what are devtions? Well I spend a while in prayer...just talking with God; sharing my requests and fears, praising Him, and bringing others before Him in prayer. After that I sepnd time reading and studying the Bible for myself...when 7:00 comes around we have our breakfast meal in our spacious dining hall and then I head back up to the dorm to get ready for the rest of the day. I believe that it is extremely important to prepare myself for the day. Although this includes physical preparation (showering, etc.) it mainly involves getting ready spiritually. My time with God is one of the most special and important parts of my day! If you have never known what it is like to actual talk with God and to recieve encouragent and instruction for living life you may not understand me sacrificing sleep to do this. (After all I still love my sleep) But When you realise the difference God makes in your life and you understand His love for you you'll want to spend more and more of your time with Him.

Starting a Blog

So In one of my classes today at school my teacher challenged the class to consider ways of using the internet and technology to let people know more about Christians and what we believe. So many people today misunderstand Christians or there are Christians in the media who do not hold to the views that many Christians hold to. Therefore I have decided to start this blog and just talk about living my life as a Christian. Right now I'm living as a college student at NBBI (New Brunswick Bible Institute). So if you have questions or comments feel free to send me a shout either on facebook or my e-mail.