Life as a Bible School Student

I'm one of of your regular college students...I like my sleep in days; I sometimes procrastinate on my assignments; I love to hang out with friends and play sports on my time off. However my college is different than what you might expect. I'm not studying for medical school and I'm not learning a trade...I'm studying the Bible. Me and my fellow students are investing our time and resources into learning just one book that is hundreds of years old...this is the life I lead...this is the life of a College Student at NBBI

Thursday 12 April 2012

It's April 12th today; there are only 8 classes left in this school year and exams...Looking back over the year is an encouragement in many ways...It's been an amazing privilege to see the students around me grow and see them struggle through days of sickness and physical exhaustion and find joy in the midst. This year has been an excellent time to not only learn from my classes and teachers but also to spend considerable time in the scriptures; just thinking and praying...God has shown me a lot and answered many questions.

I'm still so amazed at the grace and patience of my God. So often I fail in the same areas and at times is seems like I never move on from a struggle or have victory. There have been days when I have been ashamed of my actions and thoughts...I wonder just how often my Heavenly Father can look on my life and find joy...I find the longer I live andd the more time I spend in the scriptures the more I see my own failure and sinfulness. It would be easy to take the road of discouragement and fall to the accusations of worthlessness that Satan would have me dwell on. Yet the more aware I am of my sin the greater I'm amazed by His never ending grace. Luke 7:47 says that he who is forgiven much loves much and he who is forgiven little loves little. I think in a way this can also apply to our awareness of our sin. As I realise just how much I have been forgiven; I learn to love my Saviour more and more

I was sitting in the lounge by the dining hall this morning, doing my morning devotions and prayer. For a while I had been struggling with a sin and temptation in my life that seemingly would not be defeated. If it could not be defeated than perhaps I fought it in my own strength and without the strength of God; yet at times it seems so hard to tap into that power. We always hear in sermons and lessons that we must live throgh God's power and fight temptation in God's power and love through God's power...yet few and far between are the messages on actually practically tapping into the power of God. What does it look like? I think there are several factors which play into it. We know from scripture that the just shall live by faith. We also can know that God has provided for us all we need to live godly and righteous lives. We are saved through faith by the realization of our own inability and the belief and acceptance through faith of the sufficency of Christ's sacrifice. Perhaps in the same way we must come to the realization of our inability to conquer sin and through belief and faith accept the power which God freeley offers...after all the just are not only saved by faith; but they also live by faith.

There is still much to learn pn the subject of living in God's power and there are many questions that I still have. But I think that a faith without questions is not a living faith. When we pretend as Christians to have all the answers and to have no questions we first of all will not find answers and I believe that the "faith" we say we have is nothing more than a projection for others to see. It amazes me to see God answering my questions; whther it's through scripture, chapel, class or some other means He always answers. So here I am just a college student; pondering the questions of life...looking forward with anticipation to what the following years of my life will hold...

It is an amazing thing to be able to say that I have no fear, I have no anxiety or worry...I face life with a loving, all-powerful, gracious, understanding, and patient God who is so much more than words can describe...I can simply trust His plans and His guidance. So easily I could let the worries and cares of the world set in...after school I'll have loans to pay, descicions to make, but I can still just trust and walk with my God. Whether He provides the funds I need to pay for school through a gift or if He provides work after my years at school and calls me to live for Him there I can trust that the best place for me is right where He puts me...

So all that to say my God is great and worthy of praise...what can I do but trust Him with my life and walk...there can be no greater peace and joy in life. This may be the end of the school year but it's just another chapter that God has written; What has God been teaching you in these past weeks...never be afraid to ask Him your questions, to lay before Him your cares...How much of your life does He control? How surrendered are you to His will...just some questions I have been thinking about recently.

For those reading this you can be praying for a couple weeks I will be going on tour with the SEM team; a group from school that does skits and gives testimony at various churches and youth meetings. Pray that I would stay focused on those things that are above and that I would have the opportunity to give witness and bear testiomny to the teens I meet of just how great God is...they so desperately need to know what it is like to rest in Him as well and to surrender all their life to Him.

A college student on a walk with God

Andrew Paterson